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Kevin Schneider


October 1, 2021

How to Make Working Out a Habit Rather Than a Task

It's no secret that working out is beneficial to your health, but finding the time to do so can be difficult, and it can be hard to establish as a habit. You may have a busy schedule, or you may not enjoy it as much as others. When you first start exercising, it's easy to get stuck in a rut or feel like you're not making any progress. Furthermore, because of the time commitment and lack of motivation to begin, it can feel like a chore at times.

Working out should be enjoyable and not feel like a chore. Try incorporating these tips into your exercise routine so that fitness becomes fun!

  • Find what works best for you. The first step in making working out a habit rather than a task is to find what works for you before heading into the gym. Whether it's running outside, lifting weights, or doing yoga, take some time to figure out what will make your workout enjoyable and sustainable before taking on anything too challenging!
  • Set realistic goals. Setting goals is another way to ensure you're not just doing something because someone told you to. Setting a goal, such as "I will lose 10 pounds by the end of this month," creates an incentive and motivation to work hard every day toward that goal. Instead of being discouraged if you miss workouts or cheat on your diet from time to time because life happens (and we all need some indulgence! ), you can be confident that each missed opportunity results in one less pound lost at the end of the month.
  • Trying new activities. If you want to get into the habit of working out, it can be a good idea to try some new activities that are different from your typical routine. For example, if you're used to running on the treadmill at home in front of Netflix for an hour every day, switching up your workout by going for a hike with friends or doing yoga could help break up the monotony and make exercise more enjoyable.

By making small changes in your routine and environment, you may find that exercising becomes less of a chore and more enjoyable! When your workout becomes something you look forward to instead of dreading, it will become a regular part of your week without much thought. Remember, the key is small behavioral changes that are sustainable over time. 

So what's stopping you? Get off the couch and start exploring new ways to stay healthy today!

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